Hello Mark,

I agree with you mark. I REALLY like TB from the short time I've used
it. And planned to complete my migration from Pegasus Mail shortly...

I don't like do-all apps. I use Xnews for news, and Opera for web
browsing, and wanted to use TB for email. They should only be
integrated in as far as the ability to send a system call which calls
the program (i.e. pull up the other program for a news:// a mailto: or
a http:// doubleclick)

And it should be customizable so you can put ANY program in their with

I guess the masses want bundled apps. I hate 'em.  I'm mad at opera
for considering an email client and an improved newsreader. Can't they
just stick at what they are good at?

Written in response to your letter of Monday, January 10, 2000, 6:59:11 PM:

MA> Hi Steve,

MA> Monday, January 10, 2000, 11:45:12 PM, you wrote:

SL>> Monday, January 10, 2000, 3:30:32 PM, Mark wrote:
>>>   Gone:-(

SL>>     And this is supposed to mean, what, exactly?

MA>  Basically  I  got more depressed with every item of that interview, I
MA>  really  like  The  Bat!  as  it  is and would hate to see it become a
MA>  bloated  "do  it  all"  type  app,  I  suppose there is the option of
MA>  staying  with  a  version  1.xx? but that does not really appeal. Any
MA>  suggestions  for  another  Windows  MUA  that come close to TB, as it
MA>  is now?

Best regards,
 Derek                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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