>    If you do find TB files in your temp directory, I would appreciate
>    it (as would RITLabs) if you could check for the following:
>    1. File locations (c:\temp, c:\windows\temp, or elsewhere)
>    2. File names
>    3. File MIME types (are they all multi-part)?
>    4. Message dates
>    5. File sizes

I'm a new, and recently registered, user.

I installed TheBat (v1.38e) on December 25th.
Based on Keith's warning, I have found 112 BATXXXX.TMP files (totaling 4.8
-megs-) in my windows\temp directory.  All but three of them were created
on December 26th, which is probably the day I imported thousands of messages
from my former mail client, Agent.  The other four, which are the only ones
of zero byte size, were created January 11.  Of the 109 files that weren't
zero bytes, they range in size from a couple of hundred bytes to one that
is a little over a meg.

Here's a semi-common link... of the 109 that aren't zero bytes, they all
contain -attachments-.   -Most- are multi-part MIME, but not all.  I have
done a search through my current folders, looking for the subject headers
found in some of the BATXXXX.TMP files and a good number of them were found.
An equal number of them weren't found, which means I deleted them at some
point since the import.

Maybe this relates, maybe it doesn't.  When I first installed TheBat, I had
attachments set to be stored in a separate directory.  I changed that
option very quickly to saving them in the message.  I dunno.

If we could just get everyone to close their eyes and visualize world
peace for an hour, imagine how serene and quiet it would be until
the looting started.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]                            www.phred.net/~phred

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