Hello Fred,

How  about  1,186  files  in the temp directory. There were more but I
just deleted them all, thanks for the info, amazing!

----------- Thanks,


Saturday, January 15, 2000, 3:02:41 PM, you wrote:

>>    If you do find TB files in your temp directory, I would appreciate
>>    it (as would RITLabs) if you could check for the following:
>>    1. File locations (c:\temp, c:\windows\temp, or elsewhere)
>>    2. File names
>>    3. File MIME types (are they all multi-part)?
>>    4. Message dates
>>    5. File sizes

FW> I'm a new, and recently registered, user.

FW> I installed TheBat (v1.38e) on December 25th.
FW> Based on Keith's warning, I have found 112 BATXXXX.TMP files (totaling 4.8
FW> -megs-) in my windows\temp directory.  All but three of them were created
FW> on December 26th, which is probably the day I imported thousands of messages
FW> from my former mail client, Agent.  The other four, which are the only ones
FW> of zero byte size, were created January 11.  Of the 109 files that weren't
FW> zero bytes, they range in size from a couple of hundred bytes to one that
FW> is a little over a meg.

FW> Here's a semi-common link... of the 109 that aren't zero bytes, they all
FW> contain -attachments-.   -Most- are multi-part MIME, but not all.  I have
FW> done a search through my current folders, looking for the subject headers
FW> found in some of the BATXXXX.TMP files and a good number of them were found.
FW> An equal number of them weren't found, which means I deleted them at some
FW> point since the import.

FW> Maybe this relates, maybe it doesn't.  When I first installed TheBat, I had
FW> attachments set to be stored in a separate directory.  I changed that
FW> option very quickly to saving them in the message.  I dunno.

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