Hello Allie Martin, On Sat, 15 Jan 2000 07:57:02 -0500 GMT your local time, which was Saturday, January 15, 2000, 7:57:02 PM (GMT+0700) my local time, Allie Martin wrote: Allie> On Sat, 15 Jan 2000 14:36:23 +0700, tracer wrote: Allie> [..snip..] >> I can also recommend Reget ( I think its far superior to getright if >> you download many files) and there is the free Firetalk, amazingly >> good quality talking between 2 pc's... Allie> I like you, have a problem with connection speed. It's at a premium. I Allie> therefore use a download manager and mine is Getright. I find it to do Allie> things just great. What's the deal with Reget why you think it's superior Allie> to Getright? Well, its difficult to explain. but lets say if I want a version of getright which works like a paid for version, it would take me 10 minutes to locate one and get it. Including a working key. I likely even have it somewhere... I could get a real key. I probably have one somewhere as well. But whats the use as I donot like the thing. Now thats a vague thing, I know. But I find that REGET seems to get things Getright cannot get. Especially on some websites which donot want you to link via other sites. I find the controls of Reget easy. I never ONCE (ok once...) had a problem. Problem I had was that I didnt see that to store pauses on files till the next logon were in the settings... I have tried Getright on and off since at least 2 years, It never saved me enough time/money AND headaches to stimulate me to buy it. On the other hand it caused me memory leaks Reget though managed to convince me in about a month it was worth having so I downloaded the latest, paid for it, dumped the fake serial and am happy. It works as I want so what can I complain about.. if its really better, who knows, its like many programs a matter of the feeling of the thing, taste and if you are happy with it. Like with AVP (the antivirus program) which I like BUT it doesnt like my system... So I use Dr Web and it does the job extreemly well. Anyway, I would suggest you drop me a note offline what you want to do as I likely have seen any program there is for usage in circumstances where you get fleeced by a government etc. I am (g). I likely used most of them to see if they would help. Same with ftp programs. I have used many but what I use now to maximize throughput is wincommander. It allows ftp bounce (oops xftp), multiple downloads but keeping track of what goes what way is complicated. I use Bulletftp (even paid for the thing after using it for at least a year) for my normal downloads/uploads. Another thing saving me loads of time is Teleport. If a site has many pages of interest, I just take the whole site.... However they STILL havent brought out their ftp update which should have apeared more then 2 years ago... On the other hand I can ue my shell in the USA to grab the whole thing using Linux.. Meaning Exceed is running on my PC... Best regards, tracer Using theBAT 1.39 Beta/1 mail to : [EMAIL PROTECTED] using FireTalk: 321338 -- -------------------------------------------------------------- View the TBUDL archive at http://tbudl.thebat.dutaint.com To send a message to the list moderation team double click here: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To Unsubscribe from TBUDL, double click here and send the message: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --------------------------------------------------------------