Friday, January 14, 2000, 7:17:54 PM, Thomas wrote:
> How about following conventions in the mailing culture being the
> reason why? ;-) Here is what I mean (and I am not as good in wording
> as you are):

    Doing so would dictate that the Reply-to is not set 1/2 the time.  :P

> 1.) Reply-to means "reply to". If I send you an email and my from addr
> is different from my reply-to addr, I am telling you that I want you
> to reply to my reply-to addr. That's the common sense approach.

    But this is not always the case.  Witness mailing lists with REPLY-TO set.
I do believe you're on at least one that does it, most likely two.  You are
aware that I have my reply-to set on each message I send out, right?  Do you
see it?  ;)

> 2.) There is some kind of formal approach but I won't bore you with
> RFC's (as I won't stand a chance against you anyway). Wasn't it on
> this list a few days back, something about "should reply to the
> reply-to address". "Should" is not "must", but this is certainly a
> de-facto standard. ;-)

    Yeah, that was me quoting RFC822 stating that the MUA should use the
reply-to.  This does not translate into *must* and considering it is a matter
of technical flubbage (IE, a missed subject, who really cares?  A message sent
the wrong place, that's a fubar) the program should not just assume
considering the strong possibility of people sending messages where they don't
intend due to the hidden nature of REPLY-TO and ESPECIALLY with TB!'s default
behavior of combining username with list address.

> My opinion on this is therefore: The reply-to address is the default
> for replying. I don't want a pop-up window, as I don't want a pop-up
> window for a missing subject. It is the same case for me.

    Until the first time someone sends you a message from the wrong folder
where they do set the reply-to and your message goes where it wasn't intended.
I've had personal mail sent to a public list because I wrote mail in that
folder.  The other person's client didn't prompt them nor did it tell them
that it was sending to a different address at all.

> If I want to reply to the from addr (and I wouldn't know why, except
> on mailing lists sometimes), I can currently hit "reply all" insteazd
> of "reply" and delete the cc's. I don't know whether this is standard
> behaviour for a mail client (I fail to see the logic behind it), but
> it works for me.

    This is unacceptable.  While TB! does have facilities to send directly to
sender I do not *EVER* condone "hit reply-to-all and cull CCs".  The whole
reason is because that is the answer from the anti-REPLY-TO crowd.  "If you
want to reply to the list, hit group reply."  Sure, and after 10 replies half
the list is in the CC list because noone ever trims.  Hell, I don't even trim
half the time any more.

> Do you mean the awkwardly-worded checkbox "Do NOT use FROM name for
> REPLY-TO address" in Account/Properties/Templates/Replies? Or do you
> mean just turing off the from or to addresses in the Editor window
> under the View menu command? ;-)

    See my message to Allie where I explained that little paragraph.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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