Hi there!

On 20 Jan 00, at 13:26, Keith Russell wrote
    about "Re[2]: Fwd: Re: Redirect (Bounce)":

> AM>     MIME forward the message. In so doing, the recipient knows without a
> AM> doubt that the message was not originally sent to him. On opening the
> AM> attached message, he views it intact, is able to examine the intact
> AM> headers etc. When he hits reply, the appropriate addressing comes up. The
> AM> only drawback to this, which I personally don't consider to be one, is
> AM> that you have to open the message since it comes as an attachment.
> This solution would be fine if, each time I forwarded a message I
> could choose whether or not to use MIME, but I don't know of any way
> to do this. Am I missing something?

Nope, there exists no way to do so;-(( It's a major shortcoming IMO, I'm in a 
habit of widely using both MIME-forwarding (actually, judging by RFCs, it's not 
a proper term, and it's not necessarily forwarding: for example, Pegasus 
allows one to *attach* any _message_ to the currently edited one in the same 
fashion. The proper term should be "attach the message" and this action 
should be somewhere in menus, NOT in the forward template) and MIME 

To correct the current behaviour is a rather long-standing wishlist item, and i 
really hope it will be addressed in the version 2.

> I can always go into Account Properties and check the MIME box below
> the Reply template, but I certainly don't want to have to do this
> every time I want to redirect (pardon me--bounce) a message. And if I
> leave it permanently checked, I may start to look like an AOL
> newbie--MIME within MIME within MIME....

Definitely. The option to forward message this way should be put into the 
menus, since the deceision is made based on the current message, not based 
on the current account (or even folder).

SY, Alex
(St.Petersburg, Russia)
Thought for the day:
  In any household, junk accumulates to fill the space available
  for its storage.

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