> on Thu, 20 Jan 2000, at 00:07:24 local time (GMT -0800), nurmot wrote:

>> "No Application is associated w/the specified file for this application".

then you wrote:

> try putting this line in prefs.js  <snip>  ... worth a try.

Thanks, Rob, for your efforts.  Unfortunately that's not the problem
(although  I did give it a try).   I finally wrote to the Bat Cave and
they answered, explaining that TB! *needs* Internet Exploiter installed
in order to properly launch URL's.  (Yes, I neglected to mention that
i'm using a version of Win95B that was installed w/o *any* IE files.
Strange,but true)

After torturing myself w/ the Agent e-mail program for many months, I
decided to try something else.   In the last 30 days i've tried
Calypso,  TB! and Becky.  All 4 of these programs have things that are
*really* cool and all have things that i'd like to change.  But,
unfortunately, *none* of them will display HTML mail *AND* "launch"
URL's to the default browser.  Agent & Calypso will "launch" URL's
fine and TB! will display HTML mail beautifully (w/o using the IE "rendering
engine" !!).  Becky does neither.

Tonight I stray further afield and try replacing Navigator 4.08 with
Communicator 4.7 so I can see if I can live w/ it's e-mail program.  I can
hear your voices already, as I type this: "You'll be back!".   I know -
I know.

The alternative is to install the Evil Infestation From Redmond.  I
don't think that I can do it.    <shudder>


      Bill Gates talking about Innovation is like
      Bill Clinton talking about celibacy

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