Hi Steve,

On  21 January 2000  at  15:57:17 GMT -0800 (which was 23:57 where I
live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote and made these points:

>> While  most respond to sender when typing Ctrl+F5, ALL responded to
>> sender using Ctrl+F4. Therefore, I would say that all lists are not
>> the  same  and  that  Marck  was correct in recommending the use of
>> Ctrl+F4 when replying to sender only.

Thank you for bringing it back on topic.

SL>     You missed the point.  He was saying that combining the from
SL> name with the reply-to address was good on this list because when
SL> you reply you're generally replying to the individual.

In  that case, you subverted the point. I said all of that as an aside
of  my own opinion when someone else said the Ctrl-F4 was not the best
way  to  reply  to  sender.  Well,  that's only because you guys broke
*that*   behaviour   by  "knowing  better".  I'll  admit  that  you're
technically  correct.  It doesn't change "what is". Nor does it change
what  I prefer to see. Nor does anything you (or anyone else) has said
change my opinion here.

The  electronic  routing address gets messages from point of origin to
destination  mailbox.  The  transition  from  screen  to  chair is one
outside of that and IMHO can *only* be correctly achieved on this list
by doing the undoable - munging.

You said:

> ... And in the body of the message, low and behold, we have an
> attribution line with the person's name in it!
> "Friday, January 21, 2000, 11:55:25 AM, Marck wrote:"

...  This only indicates that you are quoting me, not *addressing* me.
Nothing  in  *your*  postings is addressed to an individual unless you
happen to name them in your rhetoric. What is polite about that?

SL>     Wrong.  There are some things you don't do.  Hey everybody, I
SL> want to drive on the other side of the street. I can, different
SL> strokes for different folks. Nevermind that it breaks how the
SL> system works!

Sorry Steve but that is an exaggeration and as such does not represent
you well in debate. It defuses your point and dilutes its' validity.

What  we  are  debating  here is more akin to breaking the speed limit
than  it  is  to  driving on the wrong side of the road and it doesn't
break  the  system, just bends it for convenience. Actually, IMHO it's
more  akin to taking advantage of the 70mph limit of the motorway when
driving  on  a  motorway  instead  of  keeping  to  the  30mph in town
restriction  at  all  times.  It's  about  context.  Sure, if taken to
extremes you can find ways to show that the practice *could* break the
system, but in this context and the way it is used, it doesn't.

I  really  don't  believe a single person reading this mail thinks for
*one  second*  that your email address is that of this list, no matter
that the text is "associated" in the address header.

I'm  afraid  that  I  will not be doing you the "courtesy" of removing
your  RealName from the To: address of this message as Allie did. I am
sending  a  message  to  the  TBUDL  list  which  I am addressing to a
specific individual: Steve Lamb. That does not imply that Steve Lamb's
e-mail  address is that of the list. Nobody on this list ever believed
it did.

In no other domain would I wish to do that.

The Bug
One  thing I will concede. Munged addresses *Must Not* be added to the
MRU  list  for auto-completion. That, IMHO, is the only bug here. That
is where bad things *do* happen.


Now,  once again to ensure that the point is made and taken: for those
of  you that *haven't* broken the default behaviour by using templates
which  kill reply addresses, replies off-list can be easily made using
Ctrl-F4. The rest of you know what you're doing and are on your own.


Marck D. Pearlstone, Consultant Software Engineer
Co-moderator TBUDL / TBBETA
www: http://www.silverstones.com

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