Hi Rob,
 I said:

>>they answered, explaining that TB! *needs* Internet Exploiter installed
>>in order to properly launch URL's.

and you wrote:
> huh ? i'm running Win95A without IE ... i had IE4 once, but de-installed it 
> and manually removed everything that the de-install left.

I  think that you'll find that never installing IE is very different
from "un installing"  IE, manually or otherwise.  This was true w/ IE
3.x and it's even more true w/ IE 4/5.

As an example,  I originally did a 'normal' install of Win95B which
weighed in at 79Meg.  Then I "un installed" (and then deleted what I
could ID as IE-related) IE3 and lost maybe 10Meg.  I then found the
instructions to modify the Win install scripts to be able to install
w/o 'calling' any IE files.  That resulted in an installed size of
48Meg.   Big difference.

BTW, I noticed (from another post of yours) that you are annoyed by
Windoze's  habit of recreating the Cookies, History, etc folders. Mine
does that also.  Don't know how to cure that.


     "Microsoft is not the answer, it is the question.
     The answer is 'No'."

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