Hello, The Bat Users!

MM>> Submission forms require internal PGP implementation, but you
MM>> need not any additional dlls - everything is inside thebat.exe

MM>> Examples are attached. Hope you find them useful. But, before
MM>> installing them, import office.txt PGPkey.

LG> Hmmm, I must be doing something wrong. I imported your PGP keys and
LG> signed them, but whenever I try to add the forms, I get an invalid
LG> signature.

LG> Any ideas?

LG> I have the international PGP v5.5 installed and the Thebat pgp dll as
LG> well.

Max wrote above that you should use The Bat internal implementation of
PGP. So Go to Tools|PGP|Choose version, select internal
implementation, then setup it as required (I'm sorry, I never used
PGP, so I don't know exactly what you have to do), then play with

Best regards,
Andrew                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Using The Bat! 1.38e S/N E9230B5C
under Russian Windows 95 4.0 Build 1111  B

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