Keith Russell wrote...

KR> You must have missed my suggestion to this effect the other day, John.
KR> might have saved you some time. I would very much like to
KR> see your Japanese encoding, if you don't mind sending it to me and
KR> telling me how you got it in the headers. Although I have been able to
KR> successfully display and compose CJK for some time, I hadn't reached
KR> the stage of manipulating the headers.

   Hi, Keith. Actually I did see your earlier message, where you

> Or have you tried it with third-party display software, such as NJStar
> or UnionWay? I've done my testing mostly with Korean, but I'm pretty
> sure I saw it working with Japanese and Chinese at one point.
> The Bat still has definitely problems with CJK. For example, you can't
> change the font, and the headers are mangled, but viewing seems to
> work.
Starting from the first point, I had tried third-party solutions with
earlier Bat versions, but wasn't very satisfied with the results. And
recently I had tried NJWin without success, but finally got it set up

To get the charset header, open the Xlat manager under Options, add an
entry for Korean, and put the char set in Character set name. Then
make Korean your default character set or the one you define for
specific folders or templates. You can also select it individually
when you compose a message, under Options | Message encoding. Just for
fun I've added it to this message, and here's some Japanese for you.


There's a problem here, though. Perhaps since The Bat! won't let me
change the transfer encoding to 7 bits (since ISO-2022-JP is a 7-bit
transfer encoding scheme that uses an escape sequence to encode 8-bit
characters), or perhaps because of a weakness in NJWin or in my
understanding of it, the text is actually sent as Shift-JIS, not the
encoding in my header. As a result, if you were to view the above in a
Japanese font, you should be able to read it even without a program
like NJWin, and in fact it will look better than with NJWin's fonts.
But at the same time Shift-JIS is not really recommended for Internet
mail use, although many Web sites use it. It can get mangled in some
systems and even will crash some older systems.

On the font issue, it seems that NJWin uses its own fonts, which are
kind of ugly. I've ordered the official version, which is supposed to
have better font support. But The Bat!, as you noted, does not seem to
have a way to change fonts outside the editor and viewer, such as
those in the header display.

 John De Hoog, Tokyo

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