p> there are many things here you can't read like
p> pictures of faces in ascii   you havent said a word
p> about them

Yeah, but it's easy to see what those are...

p> so what makes a GRAPH any different

Well, if we knew what it was, it wouldn't have been an issue...  I
think the point that most were making was that it was not obviously

p> how many lines of fluff are allowed

I say "none" but others say "many."  I'd personally rather not wade
through people's clever ASCII art, if I wanted to I'd read
alt.art.ascii or something.

p> yes okay

p> 40bytes * tbudl subscribed users = massive
p> wasted space in gigabytes

p> i see the logic

It's not as terrible as you wish to make it appear...

p> it should be evident that i am correct unless
p> want me to quote some of that for you and let you
p> decide what is acceptable encoding and what is not

Mailing lists have their own rules.  To get this information all you
need to do (typically) is read the rules before signing up for the
mailing list.

p> i paid for the bat personal version
p> i dont have a right to be here the same as you?

It's not about "rights."  It's about "priviledges."  Nobody has *any*
rights on the Internet, there's always someone above you who just
happens to be allowing you to do what you are doing.

p> with the volume of messages that comes from tbudl
p> you would think that three lines isnt a big deal

Not a big deal, but it'd be nice to get the intended effect, no?

p> aM i supposed to know all that
p> when it looks perfectly okay here
p> in plain ascii

high-ASCII typically doesn't fly too well on an international
multi-platform mailing list.

p> like a poem or other types of prose many thoughts
p> and ideas can be packed into a very small space
p> which was my intent

Aye, but wasn't the intent to get these ideas across to others, or
were they only for your perusal?

p> ever draw ascii art like from [ICE] insane
p> creators before?

Not in email I haven't.


Hopin' this said *something* useful, [EMAIL PROTECTED] out.

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