On Tue, 8 Feb 2000 09:41:32 -0800, Nick Andriash wrote:

Nick Andriash> Ok, let me re-phrase that then... I wish that TB would
Nick Andriash> only recognise the quote character and treat it as
Nick Andriash> such, _if_ there were no spaces preceding it.
Nick Andriash> Additionally, the 20 character limit by itself is way
Nick Andriash> too long: Very taxing on the eyes if someone is using a
Nick Andriash> 20 character quote prefix.

        No can do, once TB! continues to support full-name as a quote

Nick Andriash> Good examples Steve, and I agree, hence the withdrawal
Nick Andriash> of my previous request. I can't see a problem though by
Nick Andriash> having preceding spaces act as a null for the quote
Nick Andriash> character... although I have a feeling you are going to
Nick Andriash> come up with one. ;o)  Most of the longer quote
Nick Andriash> prefixes, including your examples, don't have spaces.

        Again, no can do. Most peoples full-name have spaces between
the first and second names. That means that the quotations above using
your name as is supported by TB! wouldn't show up as red. :)

 CU, Allie ...
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