Hi there!

On 8 Feb 00, at 23:21, Paula Ford wrote
    about "Re: Wish List":

> :(
> I kept the last published list around for the longest time, then deleted
> it in a housekeeping frenzy, thinking others had copies. Does no one
> have one of the versions sent to the list among the 1000s of messages
> that people say they keep?

I don't keep the lists traffic usually, but only the messages that seem to be 
useful for me in the future. Anyhow, I'm attaching the latest version of wishlist 
that apparently has been posted here. I dunno if there were more recent 
reposts: if there were, I haven't them in my TBUDL archive folder.

SY, Alex
(St.Petersburg, Russia)
Thought for the day:
  DOS=HIGH? I knew it was on something...

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F222 4AEF EC9F 5FA6  7515 910A 2429 9CB1 (RSA)
A677 81C9 48CF 16D1 B589  9D33 E7D5 675F 2141 35A2 (DH/DSS) 

You are subscribed as : archive@jab.org

Appended below is the Feb 8th Wish List and posted immediately below
that is the Feb 5-10th updates. Perhaps the original author can use
this to reconstruct a working copy.

                          TBUDL&Co Wishes List

- Customisable toolbars                 AL
- Office'97-like menu                   AL
- CUA hotkeys                           AL
- When use filter on folder - message counter show filtered
  count                                 AL
- Should use approaches common
  to other Windows programs             PF
- Status bar in the bottom of folder view window.
   - message encoding (as in the editor window) with ability to change
     view encoding by right-click menu;
   - number of total messages in a folder;
   - number of unread messages in folder. VD
- Status bar in the message preview window
  - numbers of messages can
    relate to all accounts              VD
- Add an "N" key to jump to the next unread message
  across all folders                            KC
- Folder Tree Context Menu
  should be for *the folder being pointed to*   MDP
- Search Toolbar Button enabled when in
  an empty root folder where sub-folders have messages MDP
- Ability to select which columns are shown
  in the message list pane (like the way View / Columns
  works in the Address Book)                            R
- Make every keystroke function also appear in a menu
  and/or toolbar                                        R
- Increase the number of options for organizing
  the panes in the main view                            PF
+ Separating 'Print' window into the two: 'Print
  Options'  and  'Print'  immediately                   TD
+ Spellcheck window: save position  during              TD
  spelling,  nomodal

- Template "ConfirmReading" in Folder&AB        AL
- Ability to edit _incoming_ messages           AL
- Redesign of help file                         AL
- Password protection for Address Book          AL
- Speed improvements                            AL
- Show "Favourites" in popup menu
  only from default AB                          AL
- Two types of install - full & update          AL
- Correct ordering by Subj                      AL MDP
- Order by 2 or more fields                     AL
- When selecting `Add to Address Book' ability
  select the group to go in.                    GL
- Drag and drop editing                         GL
- Better automatic formatting after pasting test GL
- Implemented Mail dispatcher
  - automatic popup if mail arrives
    over download limit size
  - menu command to launch it                   KPG
- A  switch  in  bat!'s dialer, which sets the automatic
  disconnection after the connection is made.   KPG
- Improved 'Local delivery', so you don't have to wait
  for  the dial-in                              KPG
- Add a CC field to the message preview header  GF
- A sensible Reply To All message addressing    GF
- The default sort set in the AB should carry
  over to the pop up view - from a new message  PF
- Mail Dispatcher - With a POP account
  sort the messages in the list.                PF
- Save As - Add the date of the message and add
  option to append to an existing file.         PF
- Export - Add the ability to name exported messages. PF
- "Drafts" Folder                               PF
- Copy JUST a selected field from
  the address book                              GF
- Having just been severely chastised for
  removing ALL the contents
  of an Exchange *Public* folder                GF
- Search results for all accounts:
  the account or folder should be indicated     AH
- Folders sort by subject
  Match *only* alpha characters following ':'   MDP
- Keep the setting of the "Disconnect"
  switch when changing access method            MDP
- Make the [n] "Re" counter switchable          MDP
- Quoted Text Reformatting
 ">> AL> blah" is not handled at all well       MDP
- Read Messages
  Replied Messages filters
  should operate manually                       PF
- Capability to be able to set the number of items
  shown in Address and Subject Histories        PF
- Show history in Address and Subj only for
  current account                               AR
- Add capability to disable the Read
  counter entirely                              PF
- Block e-mail sending and/or storing as long
  as the subject-field is empty                 AH
+ Have cookies for every folder template        SH
+ Special  'template letters' for some purposes TD
+ Using other macroses in '%SUBJECT='
  macro argument                                TD
+ Undo  for  move/delete  messages (very
  important). Undelete from the TRASH folder    TD
+ Use Spellchecker for block only               TD
+ If mail  folder  is  moved  or  renamed,
  all referring macros should be updated
  to refer to the moved/amended  folder         MDP
+ Specify font characteristics (size and type)
  for printed messages                          R

- Use of all available Windows fonts in editor  GL T
- Text editor - should not act like a
  text editor from the 1980's                   PF
- Tack a one-string note to the bottom
  of message preview                            LB
- New column in message list for indicating
  note's presence                               LB
- Customizable labels in message list           PF
- Flagging of messages (red, yellow, etc)
  as in Calypso                                 MH
- Ability  to  write  *parts*  of text in
  italic, bold type or in different colors      T

- Implementation Filter's rules as
  separated objects                             AL
- Access to _each_ field in AB records          AL
- Script-type language for writing rules and
  tasks                                         AL
- Lexical Parser for 'subj'                     AL
- New macros %Execrule                          AL
- New startup switch /execrule                  AL
- Publishing BAT API for creating plug-ins      AL
- Embedded cryptography                         AL
- "Forms" - Add the ability to be able to create
  a set of "forms"                             PF
- %OXHEADER(header-type) to pull any X-HEADER
  content from a message                        MDP
- Change the "Move to ... " action to one of the
  several actions                               PF
- MAPI Support                                  JV MDP
- Dispather override account settings           IB
- Add park/unpark to filtering options          R
- Child folders should inherit properties of
  parent                                        PF
- Message to a special addresses may be 'signed' or 'encrypted'
  right in the addressbook properties of this member    DH
- Macro %TRACKING e.g. which produces an ID based on
  some predefinable entries somewhere in the properties DH
- Filter that would automatically flag a message under
  specified circumstances                               MH
- "Program Hooks", especially on closing                MH
- Language field in address book
  for spell-checking                                    MG
+ Possibility to 'Save As...' letter template too       TD
+ New macro %RAWBODY - insert the complete,
  unformatted body of the message into a reply,
  including sections containg binary
  attachments and images                                WK
+ Macro command %memo                                   SH
+ Add additional setting for 'server time out'          SH
+ %SELECTION macro. It means "selected" text            TD

"+" - Latest addition

Our authors
AL - Alexander Leschinsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
VD - Vadim Dumbravanu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
KC - Kevin Coates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GL - Graham Langford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
KPG - Kovács P. Gábor  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GF - Graham Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
AH - August Hochrainer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
MDP - Marck D. Pearlstone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
JV - Jim Vigotty
LB - Leonard Brothers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
DH - Dieter Hummel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
MH - Mike Harlos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
T - The_Belgradian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
MG - Markus Gloede <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
AR - Andrius Rupsys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
SH - Syafril Hermansyah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
TD - Taras Domansky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
WK - Wolfgang Kynast <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Last wishes (from 5 to 10 Feb)

+ Extend the filtering options by adding "Encoding"   OI
  in which the message will be displayed
+ Auto-parking of messages in filters                 JG
+ "Reply to from address" on the context menu         PF
  for a message
+ Ability  to  switch Mail Ticker and Icon Animation
  on/off separately   for each account and folder     AS
+ Park folder, so if we sort folder list some
  folder still park                                   SH
+ Highlight part of the text in a received message -
  hit "Reply" and find in the body of Reply Message
  simply the aforementioned highlighted
  text in "quotes"

+ Keep certain parent folders open when I restart     LG
+ Open html attachments always in new browser window  R
+ Add new feature "export filter" which stores one
  filter rule in a readable format (e.g. .INI format)
  to a text file.   A corresponding "import filter"
  would be appreciated                                WK

Our Authors
OI - Oleg Ilies
JG - Javier Guerrero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
LG - Leif Gregory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
AS - Alexey Semenov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
WK - Wolfgang Kynast <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
SH - Syafril Hermansyah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
SG - Stuart Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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