SL> On Thu, Mar 02, 2000 at 09:21:13AM +0700, tracer wrote:
>> I donot mind that but you should be TOLD.
>> So you have a choice not to install or even download it.
SL>     Male-cow-dung!  It is /ADWARE/.  Geez, it is common knowledge that adware
SL> in the past, oh, 2-3 years does tracking!  It is like all those membership
SL> cards everywhere.  They are there to track you!  The fact that ads are
SL> embedded into it is a clear indication of that.  They tell you that in the
SL> readme that comes with the program!  YOU ARE TOLD.

What is obnoxious about this dll is that, first, you are _not_ always
told; and, second, that it doesn't go away even after you have
registered. I got caught the first way upgrading cuteFTP from 2.8 to
3.0. My copy of 2.8 is registered and was at the time. But they
introduced the adware with 3.0 and this was not obvious until the
program had alrady been installed or upgraded. I ripped out 3.0 after
two sessions because something about it kept crashing my machine. But
so far as I know the advert.dll stayed there.

Similarly, I found a copy on my daughter's machine after installing a
rather nice Russian network chat program called Nassi. It was quite
clear that the unregistered version was ad-supported. But it should
have removed the mecahnism after I registered, and it didn't.

Mind you, I don't believe that it does more than track ads. I still
dislike the way it can be installed without informed consent.

Andrew Brown 

running 1.38 on Windows 98
under 4.10

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