Hello Allie Martin,

Responding  to  your article on Thursday, March 09, 2000 at 20:55:17 GMT
-0500 (which was 09/03/2000 8:55 GMT +0700 my Local Time) :

>> Now I wonder if someone will ask what NT has to do with VMS (g)

AM> OK. The man (I forgot his name) who designed NT had a lot to do with
AM> VMS development as well, and because of this the design of both OS's
AM> share striking similarities? :)

As  far  as  I can remember, NT under DEC alpha very stable and run more
faster  than  on Intel base (especially if RAM 64 MB or above). I have 2
customer  who  use  DEC  alpha 400 with NT4, running 24x7 since December
1996;  the  system  down only if electricity drop longer than UPS backup

Best regards,

- Syafril -

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Created : Thursday, March 09, 2000, 9:17:00 GMT +0700

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