Thursday, April 20, 2000, 3:10:33 PM, Allie wrote:
> Just for effect, I changed, my wrapping to 55
> characters and used autoformat to rewrap your text. See
> the preservation of all spaces and the preserved
> indentation. :-)

    Autoformat has its own set of quirks.  That is the trend I am talking
about.  We each have a certain way of editing, a certain way we feel editing
should be done.  In general people will eventually find an editor which fits
their needs nicely.  I do not believe any one editor can do it effectively.  I
do believe that a multitude of editors with a multitude of different behaviors
(quirks) will, as a whole, fit the grand majority of the people.  Trying to
shoehorn TB!'s editor into that role /will/ fail.  To date, after 20-30 years
of computer evolution we still do not have the ONE TRUE EDITOR (insert choir
hit here).  Not Emacs, not [el|n]vi[s|m], not joe, not notepad, fte, etc, etc,
etc, etc, etc, etc, etc!

    The only way to appease even /most/ of the people /most/ of the time is to
not address the problem at all.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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