Dear David,

@2-Apr-2011, 20:01  David Elliott [DE] in said to CDIsxm:

>> to all who tried to help. It's a lost casue. The platform provider says its
>> TB. I will just contune gettin gthe links form webmail.

DE> Sorry IMHO they are wrong.

DE> The URL is incorrect as it does not conform to RFC 1738. The two characters
DE> that are not encoded but should be are [/] and [@]. They are reserved
DE> characters and are being used out of there 'reserved character' context.

Further to that, TB is one of the few email clients that can be 100%
trusted (in plain text view) not to change anything in the message
body. If there is tampering with the URL, it is being down by a
routing MTA (transit mail server) or by an anti-virus message
scourer. TB has faults, but this is not one of them.

Cheers --  Marck D Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user
TB! v5.0.6 on Windows 7 6.1.7600 

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