On 3/17/2012, you wrote:

> I too have switched my systems from Windows to Linux (using Xubuntu
> 10.04.4) and am still using TB! but not via Wine, which I've never
> installed. Instead, I installed Oracle's VirtualBox program, created
> virtual machines, loaded my Windows into the VMs, and run TB in that
> virtual machine.

> Given adequate RAM (I'm running 2 GB) and CPU (hyperthreaded Pentium 4
> here) performance of TB! is equal to what it was under native WinXP, and
> there's no problem of compatibility at all. Setting up the virtual machine
> took a little time, particularly in the area of making sure the internet
> connections worked properly, but once established, it runs error-free.

That sounds VERY attractive, but at this stage of the game
I don't have the first clue how to begin.

I  expect  I  do have the resources; I'm running on a Dell
Inspiron laptop with a 2Gz dual core Pentium CPU and 4G of

> An additional advantage is that I can access TB! from any machine on my
> LAN, via the RDP server built into VirtualBox. In fact I'm posting this
> reply from another box using that capability.

I  don't  actually need that capability, but I can see how
it might be useful to some.

And  maybe  it  would run some apps I'd like to keep which
(according  to  the  Wine community) do NOT run in Wine. I
really  need to be able to run Corel, too; Inkscape does a
lot, but not everything I need.

Where Linux is concerned, I am truly 'only an egg'. I will
eventually get up to speed, but I don't suppose it will
happen overnight.

Thank  you for offering another option, though. I am happy
to  run  with native applications if they can use my data,
but  there  are  some  things  that  just don't seem to be
available,  so it will be necessary to keep some Win apps.
I'll keep this, and I may come back to you.

Best -

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag:

theli...@comcast.net         * * *    Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed    * * *       OpenSuse 12.1

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