On 27 January 2013, 19:30, Gunivortus Goos wrote:

> Unfortunately they also destroyed the operating system (Windows 8 Pro)at
> my system disk and erased my second disk with all my data to install Linux for
> those tests.
> Acronis was unable to restore a backup from an external harddisk.
> The excuse from the company doesn't really help.~~~

Unfortunately, I don't know where the registration key is kept, but I
suspect it's not with your message bases as each time I've installed
TB! I've needed to reload my key from the email I got when I purchased
my licence. If you haven't got a backup of your registration email
message, perhaps you can persuade Ritlabs technical support to resend
that message (if you can give them enough info to verify your
entitlement). FWIW, they resent my v5 registration message when the
original hadn't arrived over 48 hours after I bought my upgrade, but
that's no guarantee they'll do the same in your case.

As to why that company managed to erase the data on your second HD ...
there really isn't any excuse for that IMO as they could have booted
the computer from a Linux live CD. Distros like Puppy Linux exist
largely for this reason and most of the major distros have live CDs
from which you can boot without needing to change the contents of your
hard drive. Unfortunately, many of these companies' T&Cs put the onus
on you to have a valid backup and they disclaim liability for data

I assume that you used Acronis to back up (and verify) data that it
subsequently can't restore. If you still have the external HD, I
suggest contacting Acronis technical support. After all, it's not good
for them if they can't provide the very function for which their
product exists!


Geoff Lane
Cornwall, UK
Using The Bat! v5.2 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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