Hello Loek,

On Monday, November 11, 2013 you wrote:

LvK> Hello all,

>> I have a filter defined that writes attachments to directory
>> blablabla/%OSUBJ if certain messages from certain clients contain
>> attachments. This works, except when %OSUBJ contains symbols that
>> are not allowed in directory names, like : and '
>> How do I filter these symbols? I'll need to put something around %OSUBJ, but 
>> what?
>> Also, I need to make sure the directory names do not become too
>> long, so an instruction to truncate the directory name to say 50 characters 
>> would be welcome.
>> I can find the needed directory names also in the mails themselves, but
>> SETPATTREGEXP etc. don't seem to work either.

LvK> No response at all? Have I finally found something that is just impossible
LvK> in TheBat!?

I'm probably the last person to attempt to give you an answer but I wonder if
it's possible to write a REGEXP (Regular Expression) to do what you want.  In
other words, write some sort of "copy and paste" expression which then
theoretically shouldn't have any restrictions on character symbols.
Unfortunately I have zero experience with REGEXPs and haven't a clue about how
to even write one and actually use it.

Good luck.

Best Regards, 
Jack LaRosa
:usflag: Central Alabama

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Running Windows 7 Pro ver 6 build 7601 Service Pack 1

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