
On Monday 11 November 2013 at 1:38:14 PM, in
<mid:489758458.20131111073...@charter.net>, Jack S. LaRosa wrote:

> I'm probably the last person to attempt to give you an
> answer but I wonder if it's possible to write a REGEXP
> (Regular Expression) to do what you want.  In other
> words, write some sort of "copy and paste" expression
> which then theoretically shouldn't have any
> restrictions on character symbols. Unfortunately I have
> zero experience with REGEXPs and haven't a clue about
> how to even write one and actually use it.

I agree it looks like the sort of thing Regular Expressions can do:
match any symbol from a class or list so that it can be deleted or
replaced, and match any character that is preceded by a 50-character
string so that it can be deleted. 

I'm no use here: my sole experience of Regular Expressions was to very
slightly modify an Excel macro I found on the internet, when I needed
to remove non-alphanumeric characters from a spreadsheet cell's
contents to use in a mail merge document - the matching used regular
expressions. (Anything matched by this pattern 
[^A-Z,^a-z,^0-9,^&,^(,^)] gets replaced by an empty string.)

Try TB!' help file - it actually contains quite a bit of verbiage  on 
RegExp, most of which I struggle to understand. Also, some of the 
examples at [1] and [2] may give some food for thought regarding what 
to actually do with your regular expression when you have the pattern 
matching sussed out.

[1] <http://silverstones.com/thebat/samples.html>
[2] <http://cgi.silverstones.com/library.php>

Best regards

MFPA                    mailto:expires2...@ymail.com

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