Dne 11.10.2015 v 14:47 MFPA napsal(a):

On Sunday 11 October 2015 at 10:47:49 AM, in
<mid:mvdb85$8ao$1...@ger.gmane.org>, Petr Laznovsky wrote:

Solved. EDIT command sould be added into string and if
account name contain space, it must doublequoted in
command string. this could be added to documentation.

Glad you worked it out.

For my version of TB! the Help file does mention the need to use
quotes if a parameter contains spaces:-

        Note: If a parameter value contains space characters, enclose
        it in quotation marks. If a value contains quotation marks, you
        should use single quotes (" ' " characters).

One more question:

OS send to application 'protocol_name:value' in %1, thus this whole string appears in 'Recipient' field of mail editor. Is it possible programatically (on the fly) parse such string to only part after semicolon is putted into RCPT field?


Current version is 6.6 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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