
On Wednesday 14 October 2015 at 2:39:00 PM, in
<mid:mvlltn$b0q$1...@ger.gmane.org>, Petr Laznovsky wrote:

> One more question:

> OS send to application 'protocol_name:value' in %1,
> thus this whole string appears in 'Recipient' field of
> mail editor. Is it possible programatically (on the
> fly) parse such string to only part after semicolon is
> putted into RCPT field?

I would think you also wanted to remove the two slashes after the 
colon. (-;

Feeding your favourite search engine with terms like "DOS String
Split" (maybe replace "split" with "edit" or "manipluation") should
give you something you can work with. Something like cut the first "X"
characters, or replace the substring "protocol_name://" with an empty

Alternatively, you could perhaps edit the To field via macros and
RegEx in the message template within TB!.

Best regards

MFPA                  <mailto:2014-667rhzu3dc-lists-gro...@riseup.net>

Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.

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