Hi Thomas and everyone else,

I previously wrote

>>  Unfortunately, after the upgraded file loaded,
>> ALL of the account title lines were missing the names of the
>> accounts  (but the folders and e-mail within each folder were intact
>> as were the total message and unread message count for each
>> account).   Clicking on the empty title lines revealed the
>> properties pages, which shows that all of the SMTP and mail servers
>> were blank and the ports were listed as "0"!!  

Wednesday, June 8, 2016, 9:34:26 PM, you wrote:

TF> I had this before, I think it was a 6.x version.

TF> Type in the accounts names as they are the same names as the folders
TF> on the hard disk.

I  should have done this with each of the 24 accounts, but, instead, I
tried to find a more elegant solution and only made it worse:

The  Bat  help  desk  instructed  me to re-install ver 7, but to first
rename  The  Bat! folder and to rename the RIT folder in the registry.
I  did both.  However, when the new version loaded, there was merely a
shell (!!)  no message loaded.  Al the folders were empty!

The  help  desk has asked me were my .tbk folders are located, but The
Bat!  has  had trouble backing up since the last upgrade.  There is no
backup  folder  with  a  recent date.   There is one with a 2008 date,
which,  in the file name indicates that it was copied in November 2015
(not sure from where).

I  do  see  the .TBN and .TBB folders inside the various subfolders in
both   the  old  and  new  Bat!  folders.    So,  why  isn't  the  new
installation recognizing anything?

The  help  desk,  unfortunately, has not been very helpful and the one
e-mail exchange per night, makes resolving this a very tedious issue.

I could use system restore to go back to the pre-ver 7.1 installation,
but would that bring back the messages?

Should  I  rename the "new" Bat folder and restore the name to the old
(pre- ver 7.1 upgrade) bat folder?

Even  though  there  are no tbk. folders that are current, there was a
system  backup  to an external hard drive from November 2015 which has
the  Bat! folder, and there is also the installation on my laptop that
is now working.   My wife and I have nearly identical setups, with all
24  accounts.   She  would  be  missing, however, her sent mail, if we
tried to install my version of The Bat on her laptop.

Suggestions, anyone?

(PS  - I will be taking a short, technology-free vacation, and will be
offline  Friday  night  through Monday evening.  I will be back online
late Monday night.)

Thanks  for  any help you might be able to provide.   By the way, I am
still awaiting a response from 1and1.com.

Thanks and have a great weekend!


Avram Sacks, using The Bat! Pro ver. 7.1.18 on Win 7 Pro

Current version is 7.1 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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