One problem is no sooner solved when another presents itself.

My wife also uses The Bat on her laptop.  She experienced the same problem that 
I had been having, with not being able to send mail from the 
accounts.   Her e-mail setup is nearly identical to mine:  we both have the 
same 24 accounts and accessibility to each of them.    Because she was having 
the same problem, I thought that upgrading her from ver 5.8.8 to  7.1 would 
help solve for her the problem I had had in not being able to send e-mail from 
the accounts.  Unfortunately, after the upgraded file loaded, ALL of 
the account title lines were missing the names of the accounts  (but the 
folders and e-mail within each folder were intact as were the total message and 
unread message count for each account).   Clicking on the empty title lines 
revealed the properties pages, which shows that all of the SMTP and mail 
servers were blank and the ports were listed as "0"!!   Help!   I do I restore 
this information?   I have located the message database folders, but I don't k
 now what I need to do to restore the account information.


Avram Sacks, using The Bat! Pro ver. 7.1.18 on Win 7 Pro

Current version is 7.1 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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