Hello Jernej,

On Saturday, July 2, 2016 you wrote:

JS> On Saturday, July 2, 2016, 18:00:15, Jack S. LaRosa wrote:

>> Would these settings cause the problem and if so, what should they be changed
>> to? Or, is there some other reason why TB! should act this way?

JS> The ISP's servers probably allow sending mail without authentication
JS> when you're connecting to the from inside ISP's network. Try enabling
JS> SMTP authentication for the server (same username and password as for
JS> receiving e-mail), to see if that'll allow you to send from other
JS> networks (you may also have to enable STARTTLS or TLS connection; with
JS> STARTTLS also try port 587 if 25 doesn't work).

Well, I was finally able to get access to the laptop last night (it's away from
the house) and I tried various permutations of everything you suggested. I was
still never able to send but could always fetch with no problem. There may have
been different error messages with the various things I tried but I wasn't in a
position to record those error messages unfortunately.

I searched online for a possible solution and all I was able to find that came
close to my problem were several Thunderbird users who had similar (or
identical) error messages. Some users voicing complaints at having to spend
"hours" on the phone with Charter tech support, such as it is, to no avail.

So anyway, thanks for trying.


Using TB! ver 6.0.12 with Windows 7

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