On 7/29/2016 1:53 PM, Leonard S. Berkowitz wrote:
My wife's e-mail account has been hacked. We know this only because
several undeliverable notices are coming in. The messages are in
Russian or Ukranian. How do we know this? Google translate.

How do we stop this? Change the password on the account? Or are there
other steps to take. This has never happened to us before.


Yes, change the password. If desktop computers, as opposed to mobile devices, are involved, I'd run a Malwarebytes scan. I don't know what one does when a mobile device is potentially infected, as I haven't had that happen. I've been hacked before on AOL mail and changed the password. As an aside, I was about to give up on using antivirus software on our desktop computers, as they are invasive. Instead, I got 360 Total Security and am very satisfied.

Best Regards,
 Lore Galore

Secure Email                           Voir Dire
 http://fastmail.newsbeans.co       http://fija.org

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