On Friday, July 29, 2016, 3:53:49 PM, Leonard wrote:

LSB> My wife's e-mail account has been hacked. We know this only because
LSB> several undeliverable notices are coming in. The messages are in
LSB> Russian or Ukranian. How do we know this? Google translate.

LSB> How do we stop this? Change the password on the account? Or are there
LSB> other steps to take. This has never happened to us before.

>From  what  you  describe,  it's  possible that your email address was
simply spoofed as the 'from' address in a spam or malware blast.

If  your  account  was  hacked,  you'd expect to see bounces from your
usual  mail  server.   Because  you  are seeing only NDNs from foreign
servers, that suggests that your email address was spoofed on messages
that  were  sent from somewhere else, and you got the few bounces from
poorly configured mail servers that accept-then-bounce.

To  be  sure, simply drill in to the NDNs you received.  You should be
able  to  see  full  headers  of  the original messages, and that will
quickly  reveal  whether the messages came through your mail server or
from somewhere else (likely some compromised machine or botnet).

Best regards,
 Robert Braver

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