Am 4. März 2019 02:54:01 MEZ schrieb MFPA 

>Do Roguemoticons no longer work, is it just me, or is there an option
>I may have inadvertently turned off?
>I asked a similar question nearly two years ago [0] and didn't see a
>response. A search for the X-Rogue header on my mailbase shows that
>since my April 2017 query, as well as my messages it has also still
>been included in messages from Greg Strong, Marck Pearlstone, Mark
>Partous, MAU, Peter Hampf, Robin Anson, Volker Ahrendt, and Thomas
>Fernandez. In the previous two years the list also included Stuart
>Cuddy, Rick <>, Peter Meyns, Jack S. LaRosa, and
>Feli Wilcke. If any of you are reading this, do you still see 
>Roguemoticon images in the header pane?

As the others I haven't seen roguemoticons for a long time. I kept them in my 
templates to look for the reason at a later time. In the meantime I left 
Windows for Ubuntu and run TB! via Wine to keep my archive.

Best wishes

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