I am very curious about this message from TheBat!'s log:

!7/6/2021, 07:36:26: FETCH - Server reports error. The response is: e 
(web3.networkexchange.de [])

It appeared when TheBat! was first started after powering
on my computer this morning.  That is *NOT* my mail server
and the 'e' is quite confusing.

I'm guessing that this may be part of some sort of check
for a product update that TheBat! does at startup, but if
so, a more meaningful message would be GREATLY appreciated.

If not, can anyone explain what is going on?

Oh, right after I copied the message from the log, I clicked
the 'Receive new mail' button and TheBat! downloaded all of
the past weekend's mail just fine.  So what's with the strange
error on what I would expect to be the initial check for new

Steven Valliere | tb 9.3.4 | mailto:the...@e-visions.com
"If you didn't write it down, then it didn't happen."
   -Larry Zana

Current version is 9.1.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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