Hi, Robin and Ian, 

Sunday, September 19, 2021, 11:17:57 PM, you wrote:


> My experience is that pressing "Decrease indent" after the desired initial 
> indented and numbered paragraphs breaks the automatic indenting and numbering.
> Also if you put a space before your first line starting with 1. it doesn't 
> indent. You can then go back and delete that initial space and manually 
> create lines starting with 2. , 3. , etc without them becoming indented as 
> well. Like this:
> 1. First line, started with a space that I then deleted after writing the "1."
> 2. Second line, manually entered "2.", no initial space needed, no automatic 
> indenting or numbering occurred
> 3. And so on.

Thanks, Robin, 

Depressing "decrease indent" merely removes indent and leaves you with a space 
on the line, just as if you had initially typed a space and then inserted the 
number.   However, having to go back and remove the space is a pain.    There 
ought to be a way to turn this auto indent on or off.  But, I see none. 


Avram Sacks, using The Bat! Pro ver. 9.1.18 on Win 7 Pro

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