Hello TBUDL'ers,

Once again I am in need of a way to filter (trap) multiple senders. So far the
only thing that has worked is OR>SENDER>CONTAINS>text for each sender. Needless 
say, this leads to a very large filter.

I've tried stacking each sender (separated by CRLFs) which didn't work and using
the BLOCK text holder where apparently (or not) multiple senders can be loaded
in a BLOCK. That doesn't work either. So, either I'm not understanding how the
BLOCK function is supposed to be used (probable) or it just doesn't work

Needless to say, any help will be greatly appreciated.

Jack LaRosa

Using TB! 6.0.12
OS: Win 10 v6 Build: 9200

Current version is 9.1.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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