On Thursday, July 27, 2000, 9:43:43 AM, phil wrote:
APMJ>> Sure, when I'm dialed in from home I could dig through the work Account
APMJ>> Properties tree to uncheck the option for periodic checking, but why should
APMJ>> the UI punish me this way? Hopefully, version 2's toolbar customization
APMJ>> will let me bring something like this out to the UI, but will it really
APMJ>> have _per-account_ settings like this on the toolbar?

> I wonder if making it so that when you edit the account settings it
> stays queued up on the last thing you were editing would help?

> Since there is a tool bar button to edit account properties, but it
> always starts up queued up on "General."      If the last thing I was
> editing was "Network" shouldn't it stay on "Network?"   In the current
> account mind you.

Remember, when I'm on the net it's the _non_-current account which is
failing to reach it's server.  So, for me to disable TB's periodic check
behavior, I have to :

1. Select the other account.
2. Get to Account Properties, any one of several ways.
3. Get to the Options dialog "tab".
4. Uncheck the "Periodical ..." option.

Then, of course, if I use this approach and want to re-enable periodic
checking on that account I have to remember to reverse the process the next
time the account is reachable - all told, this approach would me buzzing
around the TB UI quite a bit rather than working with the mail account I'm
interested in.

IAC, to better explain where I'm coming from :

1. Before switching to TB I used Pegasus, which I had set to use
   only one "identity" (sorta equivalent to a TB account) at a
   time, with a desktop / task bar shortcut for each.  I also
   brought the Pegasus on-line and off-line commands out to my
   customized Pegasus toolbar, so I could always take Pegasus
   off-line if I knew the server was unreachable.

2. I use Symantec's Mobile Essentials on my personal laptop,
   and I _love_ the flexibility of the "profile" approach
   it brings to managing network (and IE) settings.  I've
   found, however, that many apps aren't as "mobile-aware" in
   the "profile" sense, so I'm left with only half a solution.

 Alex P. Madarasz, Jr.   <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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