>> In Options/Network&Admin, check "No automatic redial". Then TB!
>> will not attempt connect to the network and will check mail
>> periodically only if you are connected anyway.

I thought that there might be some overlap of features that this might
benefit me, alas it is only available when you're connecting via
phone line.

ML> Are you sure he's on dial-up connection? I might be wrong but my
ML> impression is people don't usually say "disconnect from network"
ML> when they mean disconnect the phone line which is currently not in
ML> use.

Yeah, I do have a modem but I've only used it like twice in the last
year.  :)  I have TB set up as a "permanently connected to LAN"
client.  When I say "disconnect from network," I do mean physically
yanking the 10(0)?-baseT(X)? connection from the network card.

ML> But then, I don't know what's wrong if he's talking about LAN
ML> connection. I tried to unplug my LAN cable and restart TB with
ML> "check mailbox at startup" on and nothing happened. I could use it
ML> as usual (no new mail, of course), and after I plugged it in TB
ML> could send/receive mail again without having to quit and restart.

Hmm, perhaps the issue does lie with DHCP'd addresses then somehow.
Basically, my DHCP lease expires while the laptop is off, so when I
power it up and try to check mail it doesn't have a valid IP address
(Windows seems to like to fill that stuff with garbage as WinIPcfg
always shows a different IP address).

It also happens that I have one mail server living behind a firewall,
and I can only connect to it if I'm on the right side of the firewall.
When I'm on the outside, TB! usually does the right thing, but
sometimes the whole program hangs while it's trying to get a
connection...  :(

Well I'll work on this problem over the next couple of weeks as I'll
be "on the road" and able to fiddle with a lot of things relating to


Bah, ridiculous thing.

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