On Tue, 8 Aug 2000 14:55:39 -0700, Kenneth Porter wrote:

KP> I'm just starting to play with TB after coming from PMMail, and one
KP> thing that's hard to get used to is the action of the Next/Prev
KP> buttons when at the end of a folder. With PMMail, the reading window
KP> closes when moving off either end of the list. With TB, one has to
KP> explicitly close the window. Is there a way to change this to
KP> automatically close the window when the end of the list is reached?

Nope. This is just a difference in behaviour. Different clients.

KP> Also, how do I keep the cursor from floating in space beyond the end
KP> of an editor line? How can I restrict it to the real end of the
KP> line? (This option is available, for example, in Borland's Builder

This is because TB! has a free caret interface which is on all the time.
Most specialist editors give the user a choice between a free caret and
the standard caret interfaces. TB! has chosen one. I prefer the free
caret interface personally. Version 2 of TB! will very likely support
the use of an external editor so your anguish may soon be over. Not that
I know when to expect a version 2.

-=A.C. Martin=-    [TB! v1.46 Beta/3 «» Win2k Pro SP1]
"Ignorance can be cured. Stupid is forever. " 

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