On Sun, 20 Aug 2000 21:32:51 +0200, Jan-Arild Løkstad wrote:

JAL> The View menu in the Message Editor has an option that reads:
JAL> "Store window position". I have never cared about this one...until
JAL> now, because I always run the editor maximized, and therefore, it
JAL> shouldn't be necessary for me to check it. If I understand this
JAL> correctly, the purpose of having this option checked is to have TB!
JAL> to open the editor window in the same position of the screen if
JAL> you're _not_ running it maximized.

That's correct. If unchecked the editor windows are serially opened in a
cascading type fashion.

JAL> After checking this option, my beloved TB! is back to normal
JAL> behavior again !? I can place %Cursor after %Quotes in my reply
JAL> templates without any annoying side effects whatsoever. No loss of
JAL> text. No loss of scroll bars.

<g> This is most likely why I couldn't reproduce your problem. I keep
that option checked at all times.

JAL> Does the "Store window position"-option _has_ to be checked
JAL> irrespective of whether you run the editor maximized or not?

Well, you've found another reason to keep it checked. <g>

-=A. Curtis Martin=-
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