On Wed, 16 Aug 2000 21:13:17 +0200, Jan-Arild Løkstad wrote:

JAL> You are pretty good at wondering Curtis :)

:-) I realised that the only difference between your setup without the
%cursor macro  and my setup with the %cursor macro is that my cursor is
placed after the introduction and before the quotation. Since I didn't
have any problems I assumed that it may be the insertion of the cursor
*after* the quotation may be the problem.

JAL> Bingo!...why?

So my assumption was right. :-) I'm not sure why and I think that this
may be related to that bug also where deleting blocks of text in the
editor may lead to loss of the vertical scroll-bar.

The plot thickens, now that I've tried reproducing your problem and
can't.  :-/

-=A. Curtis Martin=-    Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA
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