GE> I would like to add that the In_Reply_To-ID is omitted by some mail clients
GE> (like M$ Echange and older M$ Outlook Versions; may be there are more
GE> clients). AFAIK this could result in incorrect threading in TB!
Yep, this troubles me on every mailing list that I'm on outside of
this one. The only features that would keep me a user of TB would be
a way to edit references and an option to thread generally by
reference but also "guess" if the references field isn't there but the
subject is the same (Agent does this). Threading by subject, I have
learned, is only one-level deep and doesn't show any thread
information whatsoever (even if it exists in the messages).
Still kicking the idea around, but my current plan is to leave the
motley crew and go back to Agent for all of my needs. Sure I have a
couple of email addresses I need to check, but literally 99% of my
mail traffic is mailing lists, and TB's abysmal handling (IMO) of list
traffic (especially including my many issues with digest-mode) makes
me curse it every time I get lots of list mail. Heh, I happened to be
away for 10 days around the time of that big flamewar the other
week... 1387 messages later I came back to life, but it would have
taken me 1/3 of the time to deal with in Agent. :(
Oh yeah, shall I also bring up the "ease of backing up an
installation" topic again? heh.
it's been fun-
Bah, ridiculous thing.
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