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Hi Januk,

On 28 August 2000 at 12:26:37 GMT -0700 (which was 20:26 where I
live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote and made these points on the subject
of "Spam filter strings?":

>> For a simple OR function, would we have:

>> '[str A]|[str B]'

JA> I think you may be getting confused here. You don't need the
JA> apostrophes or the square brackets. Just type your strings in.
JA> This is why I think the | method for ORing to strings can be
JA> ambiguous.

..  or  you  do.  The help is also ambiguous here. Square brackets are
used  to  delimit  contiguous  strings. Apostrophes are supposed to be
used to delimited complete arguments which contain special characters.
It all adds to the ambiguity.

>> is it OK to put spaces outside brackets as:

>> ' [str A] | [str B] '

JA>  I'm not sure about the spaces.  Again, this is another reason I find
JA>  the | method to be ambiguous.

I  am  pretty  sure  about  the spaces - they'll mess it up for sure -
especially  when  used  in  conjunction  with  apostrophes  and square

>> (I understand the ' chr is needed - true?)

JA>  False.

... or true, depending which bit of the Help file you're reading.

z>>>>>> (A or B or (C and D and (E or F)))?

>> The  problem I see here is getting AND and OR to work in a *single*
>> expression. How does one do that? Is it possible to write the above
>> as a single, one-line expression?

JA>  As far as I know, no.  In a *single* string set, you could only do the
JA>  C and D and (E or F).  See my example in a previous post to this
JA>  thread.

Absolutely.  ZTrader  -  Januk's  example  was *crystal* clear on this

>> The suggeston for implementing this split up the parts into simple
>> strings that could be entered as AND's or OR's. If one has an
>> expression that needs an AND or an OR *within* the string,

JA>  Just be careful here.  You can not have a single string that says
JA>  something like,

JA>  (Tom or Jane) Doe

JA>  Instead you would need to break it up into either

JA>   Tom|Jane AND Doe
JA>  or
JA>   Tom Doe|Jane Doe

... which could end up as [Tom Doe]|[Jane Doe].

>> it seems critical to have exactly the right characters ['",etc to
>> make it work. I am trying to understand how to include these chrs
>> correctly so it works.

JA>  See above.

..  or  refer  to  the  "Help"  references on 'Using special syntax in
signal strings'.

For  the  sake  of  clarity,  here  is  some of the help text with the
salient points underlined:

    Pipe   character   “|”  means  that  signal  string  contains  two
    alternatives. For example, string John|Jack means that search will
    be  successful  if  John  or  Jack  (or both) will be found in the
    specified location.

    Square  brackets  [  ]  mean  that  text  embraced by them must be
    searched  as  a  phrase. i.e. search for [Jack] will be successful
    for  sentence  “Jack is a good man”, but not for “ Jackson guitars
    are very good for beginners”.

    Text   embraced   in   quotation  marks  is  case-sensitive,  i.e.
    “Internet”  will be found in the sentence “The Internet is growing
    very rapidly” but not in “InTeRnEt RuLeZ”

    The  text  containing  special characters mentioned above, must be
    embraced  in  single quotes, like this: ‘["New" generation mailing

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