On Tue, 5 Sep 2000 07:01:57 +0200, Stefano Zamprogno wrote:

SZ> This i my first message in this ML (since i'm a VERY new registered
SZ> user ;-).

Welcome. :-)

SZ> I have a problem, i'm using The Bat on Windos 2000 Prof. SO, and the
SZ> problem is... i'm unable to print ANYTHING from The Bat :-(
SZ> If i click on the printer while i'm readind a message, nothing appens.

SZ> Any Idea ?

Well, I'm pretty sure that this is not a Win2000 specific problem since
I have no problems printing with TB!. I'm using an Epson Stylus Color
Pro printer here. What type of printer are you using. TB! tends to have
problems with some HP printers.

-=A. Curtis Martin=-
Using TB! v1.46/4 «» Win2k Pro SP1
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