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On Mon, 18 Sep 2000 21:22:48 +0200, Karin Spaink wrote:

I'll have a go with some of these questions. :_0

KS> 1. Before I made a totally new private address book, I had
KS> already created two nicknames. I can't seem to find them
KS> anywhere, but they still work - does anybody have a clue as
KS> to where they might have gone?

I don't know.

KS> 2. Is there any .ini file that can be manually tuned?
KS> (Sidequestion: why is all the information about accpounts,
KS> settings, filters, address books etc, all in a format that
KS> cannot be viewed in file format?

TB!'s settings are stored either in the registry or in binary format in
the account folders. There has been a lot of negative commentary about
this, especially with respect to the use of the registry. Very recently
we were told by Max (one of the two TB! developers) that they'll be
moving config data away from the registry.

As to the other config data not being in readable, editable format?
No-one, including myself has really been having any usability problems
since all that configuration may be directly manipulated via the
TB! interface.

KS> 3. Is there any way to manually edit received messages (.e.g
KS> the Pencil function in Eudora, editing the inbox. file in
KS> Netscape), other than to export the message, edit and then
KS> import it? I tried the Netscape method - reading a mailbox
KS> into Wordpad, take out whatever, close and reread the
KS> mailbox. That won't work.

The only way to do this with TB! *alone* is to drag the message to the
outbox, edit it there and then move it back to the original folder. The
headers will however be changed when you do this.

Otherwise, you'll have to export the message, edit it and then import
it. The received time will be changed to the time of importation but the
headers will not be changed.

KS> 4. Mailbox management: I miss a drag and drop option that will allow
KS> you to move the mailbox (properties and all) to a different place in
KS> the mailbox structure.

Are you speaking about folders here. If you are then, depress the alt
button while dragging and dropping. To make a folder, a sub-folder of
another then hold-down <CTRL><ALT> while dragging and dropping.

KS> Now I need to set up a new mailbox, move messages and adjust filters
KS> & templates.

If you are referring to moving an entire account, then alt-dragging also
will move the account so that you can change to order of your various

KS> 5. Flagging. I can't really figure what the little red flags in the
KS> overview folder window stands for, or what it is supposed to do.

The red flag is a non-specific marker, the significance of which is
solely up to each user. It's just there to mark the message. I use it to
mark important messages.

KS> 6.  Folder tree: I can't fully gather how the numbers after
KS> the folder name mean. Example, currently that tree contains,
KS> amongst others:

KS> inbox            0 (7)     1 (11)
KS> mailinglists     0 (7)     0 (10)
KS>    - HFH         3         4
KS>    - Swans       4         6
KS> people                     0 (1)
KS>    - Zenon                 1
KS> sotware          0 (16)    0 (19)
KS>    - TheBat      16        19

Firstly, the inner number columns reflect the tally of unread messages,
while the outer columns reflect the total message tally both read and

The numbers in brackets reflect the total tally of unread and read
messages in sub-folders if they exist.

So for the mailing lists folder you have:
0 unread messages but a total of 7 unread messages in it's sub-folders
0 total messages but a total of 10 message in it's sub-folders.

- From the folder structure you have shown there, I see no sub folders for
your 'inbox' folder, yet it has bracketed numbers. This implies that the
'Mailinglists' folder is in-fact a sub-folder of the Inbox

KS> My inbox contains 1 read message. Where does the (11) come
KS> from, or the (7) for that matter?

Isn't 'MailingLists' as subfolder of the inbox? That would clarify the
numbers in brackets.

- --
A. Curtis Martin..
Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA  |  PGP Key ID: 0xEE079937
PGP Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey
- ---
** "Don't Take Life Seriously, It Is Not Permanent. "
Using TB! v1.47 Beta/2 «» Win2k Pro SP1

Version: PGP 6.5.8
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