On 19-09-2000 at 01:31, Marck D. Pearlstone kindly wrote:
> Karin Spaink wrote:

KS>> Ah, ok. I am used to colour-coding for that. Eudora has six
KS>> colour codes that I use.
KS>>    Erm,. but in that case, what is the colour grouping in TB
KS>> supposed to do? (Folder view menu, right click, Colour
KS>> group)?

> That's  closer  to  the  Eudora colour-coding except TB has completely
> open ended, user definable colour groups. As many as you want.

I thought as much. But in that case, I fall back upon my
original question: what are flags for (esp. if you can
colour code a message that you want to cry out to you).

KS>> That I figured, but what dazzled me was the inbox figures.
KS>> (It has no subfolders). But Graha enlightened me and pointed
KS>> at the filtered mail that had passed through my inbox.

> You  know,  that  doesn't make sense here, but if you're sure - you're
> sure  <shrug>.  The  only way I can make sense of it is by saying that
> the  Inbox  *does* have sub-folders, which is why I re-did the diagram
> the  way  I  did  and why Allie (Curtis) said that made sense of it. I
> personally  don't  get  counts  sticking in my inbox because "messages
> have  been  through  it".  You  clearly know what you're doing with an
> email  client  and  folder  structures,  so I'm not saying that you're
> wrong - I'm just having trouble understanding.

Ok. Perhaps a picture can tell a bit more than words and
numbers can... The moment I reproduce the error / fluke /
bug / unexpected thingie, I'll make a snapshot and post the
url here.

- K -


'The question is,' said Alice, 'whether you can make 
words mean so many different things.' 
'The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, 'which is 
to be master - that's all.
  -- Lewis Carroll: Through the Looking-Glass

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