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On Tue, 19 Sep 2000 18:38:21 -0600, jbelk wrote:

Karin>> Go to the Options tab and tick Continue Processing With Other
Karin>> Folders.

I personally have never had reason to use this option.

j> First, I've heard of this. It seems to not be the default but is
j> necessary to make the filter work right.

No, it's not necessary to make a typical filter work right.

By default, each incoming message is checked to see if it matches a
filter rules string matching criteria. Each filter rule is checked
starting from the top of the filter list and working downwards. As soon
as a filter string match is found, the matching filters actions are
applied and no other subsequent filter is applied to the same message
after that. IOW's, by default, either a single or no filter rule will be
applied to a message.

Take for example you have a message that will be filtered by filters
rules 1 and 4 in the filter set below.

Filter rule 1
Filter rule 2
Filter rule 3
Filter rule 4

By default, once a match is made with filter rule 1, the message is no
longer matched with any other filters. You have to keep this in mind.
One of the reasons why a filter will not work is if the intended message
is being filtered out by a preceding filter who's string search matches
the message. The importance of the ordering of your filters now becomes

j> I re-read the help files and didn't see it there. Should this box be
j> checked on all filters? OR just all but the last one?

I don't use this check box at all.

This option basically instructs TB! that even though the message has been
matched to a particular filter rule, to continue matching it with the
other filters. This will only work if the initial filter rule did not
move the message to another folder.

j> This sure is counter intuitive to my way of thinking. The FIRST
j> filter I set up in any program is one that blocks the hundreds of
j> spam messages that flood all email addys that have been around for a
j> while.

If you're going to put that filter first, it has to be really specific
and not inadvertently filter out good mail. I'd advise you to put the
filters for legitimate and important e-mail first on the list and then
after that, put the spam filter/s in place.

j> Is it a bug to add new filters at the bottom of the list??

I note that TB! does this through the quick filter method, although
there's an option to 'override existing filters' which places the filter
at the top of the list. It's risky to put the filter at the bottom of
the list because the intended messages have to not match any filter that
precedes that last filter in order for the last filter to work with the
intended messages.

j> And what is the difference between the "!<address>" and "Presence: No
j> ?" Seems to me it's the same thing just more convoluted.

It just makes it more flexible. You can set your filter to be applied if
the defined string is found in the message or if it is not found in the

Take for example, in my filter rules there's one that will send an
auto-reply not only when 'SendAlliePGPKey' is found in the subject field
but also if neither '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' nor
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' are present in the headers.

So for the filter I have the following strings:

Strings                         Location    Presence
- -------                         --------    --------
SendAlliePGPKey                 Subject     Yes
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        Kludges     No
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       Kludges     No

j> So does this mean every time a new spam sneaks through existing
j> filters I'll have to create a new filter for it, open the Sorting
j> Office/Filters and move the new filter somewhere else? Is there a way
j> to just add the latest intruder to the existing spam filter?

Just out of interest, how are you going about creating the spam filter
rules? To what string are you filtering to because spam artists rarely
ever send spam using the same name or from address. Creating filters to
these usually amounts to a futile exercise.

- --
A. Curtis Martin..
Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA  |  PGP Key ID: 0xEE079937
PGP Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey
- ---
** "I have enough trouble single-tasking! "
Using TB! v1.47 Beta/3 «» Win2k Pro SP1

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Digitally signed for message and sender verification.


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