On 21-09-2000, 23:11:15 +0200, Karin Spaink wrote:

>But  the  trick  is simple. Imagine that you have a filter that sends
>incoming  mail  straight to trash, based on an address (e.g. you want
>to send all my mail right to the bin), here's how you do it:

[Snip manual filter entry method]

IMHO  this  type  of address based filtering can be accomplished in an
easier  and  more convenient way by using the Address Book as a filter

Just  open  the  Address  Book, create a New Group "Blacklist" in your
Default  Address Book and create New Contacts for all victims you want
to  get  caught  by your filter (you may even fill in two or more mail
addresses per entry).

Now  you  can  apply  "Address(es) must [not] be listed in the address
book"  under  the  "Advanced" tab of the Sorting Rules to kill off the
unwanted senders.

Arjan vragen, altijd slagen.

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