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On Thu, 21 Sep 2000 16:43:33 +0200, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

KE> Although i like the bat, there's one extremely anoying thing i've
KE> come across. When i delete messages from the viewing list, every
KE> once in a while i get this dialog saying "grid index out of range"
KE> and then an ok button. When i've pressed this one i can't do
KE> anything more with the message list. I can't delete a msg, i can't
KE> move to the next message, the only thing i can seem to do is read
KE> the next message, but only that one, then the subsequent messages
KE> are not selected and i'm forced to restart the bat! in order to get
KE> things back to normal again. Does anyone recognize this?

I used to experience this bug when I re-filtered messages in a folder
with threading enabled. When I disabled threading and did the deleting,
the problem stopped. I've reported the bug to Ritlabs already.

- --
A. Curtis Martin..
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