On October 28, 2000, at 3:53:27 PM, Jason Thompson Wrote:

JT> v2 will support plugins, which means that you could use an add-on
JT> message editor of your choice. Theoretically, a third-party editor
JT> could be HTML-cabable.

Becky also uses an external editor... Dana, but the implementation was
'clunky' at best. They also have a scaled down version of Dana as an
internal editor, and most people I know who use the Program, stick with
the internal editor because to use the external one is a PITA.


N.J. Andriash [ TB! v1.47 | PGP 7.0 | Win 98 SE ]
 Vancouver, B.C. Canada | PGP Key ID:  0x7BA3FDCE      

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