At 1:00:28 PM on Saturday, November 04, 2000, Ming-Li wrote:

ML> On Saturday, November 04, 2000, 6:24:12 AM, Kiyan wrote:


>> 1) All the mail I want to keep, but delete from the server, is
>> already sorted into local folders. Usually, it's list mail,

ML> If you set up filters (either Incoming or Read messages filters
ML> would do) to sort this kind of mail into local folders, you may set
ML> the same filters to delete it from the server. This way you don't
ML> need the Read messages filters as you described.

Ok, that is entirely true, and is a decent solution, and I did think of it too.
But it wasn't appropriate... I want mail from certain people from whom I get
lots of it, to go to specific folders, however I do not want to delete them from
the server because I may not have time to read it, I may just glance that I have
new mail but have to run off to school or something. From there I want to be
abne to read it so I need to keep it on the server.

>> or
>> messages with multiple recipients (the poor-man's mailing list).

ML> Since you may need to sort this kind of mail manually (unless you
ML> can define some rules to distinguish it from others), the Read
ML> message filters would be more appropriate.

True, true. And I often get this sort of stuff too. And for this stuff sometimes
I don't mind having it delete from server once the messages are marked as read.

>> 4) I set the Source folder to be the folder containing the
>> messages I want deleted from the server, and the Destination
>> folder to be THE SAME FOLDER. That way the messages don't get
>> moved, but under Actions I check "delete the message from the
>> server." I have it set as active, and manual (but perhaps if it
>> wasn't manual it would work automatically when a message is filed
>> in that folder, after/if it was read... can anyone confirm?).

ML> After it's read, and, of course, after it's no longer being viewed.

Ok, this is strange to me. I tried this a couple of times, and sure enough,
eventually the messages got deleted. But once it didn't work and I had to apply
the filter manually with re-filter. I may have done something wrong though. Also
when it's set to be automatic, the strange thing is once the messages are read
and no longer viewed, it doesn't delete them from the server after the NEXT
poll, it takes a few for it to sink in. Any idea why?

ML> There's another trick: you may set up a Read messages filter to
ML> delete matched messages from server, and assign to it a hotkey from

Yes, this is a pretty good idea. But I didn't think I could use it because I
thought you would have to have a different hotkey for messages in every storage
folder, which is ridiculous. Or you'd have to always pre-edit the rule to apply
to the right folder before applying it. But you seem to introduce another
possibility, as follows...

ML> the Options pane. Make sure the "Check the selected message against
ML> this rule" option under the hotkey field is NOT checked. If the
ML> option is checked, the messages would be moved to the destination
ML> folder as prescribed in the Rule pane, then the filter can't be used
ML> across folders. With that option cleared, the designated actions of

Wait, so are you saying this COULD be used across folders? I don't exactly
understand... because this is a reply to my first message to the list about this
(and not my second, in which I described the problems with moving messages from
one account's folders to another accounts, then not being able to use filter
rules in the new account to delete from the original account... you seemed to
say mixing up accounts is not really possible in TB as of now).

Oh, ok, I think I get it. You mean across folders, not accounts. I think I get
you. So you're saying that checkbox, if unselected, means that the "action
items" become folder-unspecific, right? That's useful. But wait, does that mean
that it ignores the string/contains information and regexp stuff too? Because if
the selected message (or messages) are not checked against the rule, what is the
hotkey for, just to perform the actions? I'm confused... if I select a bunch of
messages, and put say a String search for in the Sender field (say
to distinguish mail I got from my girlfriend's POP account as opposed to
webmail), but uncheck that box you refer to, won't the DELETE action apply to
every single message I have selected regardless of the string matching? Or does
the check box only have to do with the source and destination folders? Please

ML> the filter would be applied to all the messages you select, no
ML> questions asked.

Ok, maybe I jumped the gun... maybe this *was* your elaboration.

ML> Hereafter you may delete any message from server with the hotkey
ML> after selecting it first. You may select multiple messages, and it
ML> works in the "Find result" virtual folder (the one showing the
ML> search result).

It does? If so, isn't that a way to get around the moving-mail-across-accounts
problem? Or maybe not... I guess mail is always "in" a folder, and if it is
"found" while it was in the "wrong folder" with respect to the account, then it
will not delete from server. I really just wish that TB! kept information about
WHICH account a message came from... like in Calypso. It wouldn't have to use it
zealously in its UI ideology, but it should at least know. Don't you agree?

ML> IOW, when a filter is assigned a hotkey and the "check against rule"
ML> option is cleared, it acts as a "keyboard macro" that allows you to
ML> do several things in one pass to selected messages.

What several things? Only the things you can select in the actions tab?

Ok, thanks for your quick replies, they are much appreciated.

Oh, one last thing that arose as I composed this message. In the account I'm
sending from I have, under reply templates, the radio button "no initials"
selected so that the reply string is ">" not "ML>" etc. That's because the
initial stuff is really old-school, and although I like it, it freaks most
people out.... so I want the default to be ">". But, I want the default for when
I reply or send to the LIST to be "ML>"-style....

I tried to define the reply template under the folder that I sort list mail
into. Although I can customize everything there, there are no radio buttons, so
I can put in %Quote but can't say what type of quotes to use.

Also, it occurs to me that I don't understand the inheritance hierarchy for
folder-specific templates. If I change my reply template for the ACCOUNT, then
it seems when I go to define folderspecific templates those changes are
reflected. Which is really weird, what if I had customized a folder reply
template heavily, but later made a change in the account default reply template,
would it overwrite the folder one?

Man, so many questions to ask...... and I've only been using TB! for a couple of
days. So far so good, even though it has its share of nuisances. It *is* fast,

Thanks, Ming-Li, and batlisters...

Kiyan Azarbar
M.A. Linguistics,
University of Ottawa

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