Hello ADoe196701,

On  Fri, 17 Nov 2000  at  16:47:52 GMT EST (which was 1:47 PM
where I live) witnesses say [EMAIL PROTECTED] typed:

> how do I get my messages and email addresses off of hotmail and onto the bat. 
>  I'm having trouble fining their pop3 address.

As far as I know, Hotmail does not offer POP3 access.  You will need
to use a program that can get messages from web based mail servers.
Outlook can access Hotmail, and there are other tools that can also
access Hotmail and download your messages onto your computer.
If this is not an option, consider changing e-mail accounts to a
service that does offer free POP3 access.

I am evaluating 3 such services at the moment.  Here are some of the
things I've found.  This is purely from my experience, your mileage
may vary.

 -> Pretty good, I've had some unreliable moments,
    but overall, not bad.

 -> Tends to be the slowest of the three mentioned.

 -> Hasn't bounced any mail sent to it through my forwarding
    addresses yet.
 -> Very nice, but I've found that it goes down quite often.  This is
    a significant problem.

 -> When it is up and running, it has the best web based interface and
    is very fast.
 -> It seems to reject all mail from Hotmail.com addresses. I'm not
    completely sure about this point, but maybe someone else could
    share their experiences?  Could this be because of my use of
    forwarding addresses?

 -> There is an English version too, just select your language from
    the multilingual drop-down.

 -> Seems to be very reliable and very fast.  I haven't had this one
    for very long, so don't quote me on the reliability at this point.

 -> I haven't tried making one of my forwarding addresses point to
    this one.  I can't comment on how well SoftHome handles this part.

 -> Only mailing list mail is coming through this account.  I haven't
    noticed any missing messages yet.

There are several others available as well. For a more complete list,
see the list provided by Angel in a post to TBUDL on October 2, 2000
under the subject "Re: email services that work well w/ TB!"  You can
find the message in the archives at:


It is extremely well written.  [Angel: Thanks for the great list!]
Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal
 See header for e-mail address

 Using The Bat! 1.48 Beta/6
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 2222  A 

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