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Hi Doug,

On 17 November 2000 at 19:09:10 +0000 (which was 19:09 where I
live) Doug Weller wrote and made these points:

>> Sorry  if  this  seems  a  bit  of  an aggressive response but your
>> postings  here  seem to me like a veiled attempt to promote Calypso
>> and that goes against the list policy here.

DW> Certainly seems aggressive and insulting, yes. No veiled attempts
DW> on my part to do anything at all, what you see is what you get.
DW> :-)

Understood  and  accepted.  I  was careful *not* to be insulting (note
"seem"  and  "veiled")  and,  as  I  said  at  the  time (and this was

>> If that was not your intention then please accept my apologies for
>> any offence caused.

Please understand that it is a known standard practice for competitors
to  join  mailing lists and start a fight just for the "flying fur" of
it.  As  moderator it is my job to be vigilant and nip any such attack
"in  the bud". Again, I apologize for tarring you with this particular
brush. I don't mean or wish to scare /you/ off.

DW> Well, I hope you accept that I intended to cause no offense and am
DW> genuinely interested in The Bat as an alternative.

I  do. In which case, back to the issue... did you understand that you
*can*  do  what you are looking for in TB by dragging a message to the
OutBox  and  editing  it there before returning it to the folder where
you want to keep it?

While it may not be as simple as the Calypso method, you may find that
the  way  TB  does the stuff it's *really* strong on may give you good
reason to give it a try.

DW> However, given your strong position on this

It's not that strong - just a leaning really.

DW> and guessing that you might have influence on its development,

None  at  all :-). As Curtis has already explained, I am just a humble
user  who  drew  the  short straw (okay, volunteered to draw the short
straw  <g>) and ended up running this list for my sins. Okay, RIT labs
talk  to  me about some issues on occasion but I certainly wouldn't go
as far as to say that I have any influence over them.

DW> The Bat might never have this feature that I think is essential
DW> for my needs.

I  think  that,  as has been said, editing in the outbox can cover the
need  ... surely you wouldn't want to change *every* mail you receive,
would you? Or are you modifying every subject for cataloging purposes?
I'm just guessing wildly now, aren't I <g>.

Anyway, unless you start using TB in "anger", you're not going to know
if  the  slightly  longer  way  of  achieving  that  one function is a
show-stopper when weighed up with the rest of TB's functionality.

I  originally  migrated  to TB over two years ago. I had searched long
and  hard  for  a  client which covered my needs. The main thing I was
hooked  by  in  TB  was the way it handled templates and the wealth of
macros  available  for  them. I had to give up a few things that I had
gotten  used  to  in  other  clients but I have found the sacrifice so

- --
[    Marck D. Pearlstone | Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA              ]
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www: http://www.silverstones.com      ]

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